Quote Generator
What tools are available on the site?
Are Vexels' Tools free to try?
Where can I leave a suggestion?
Will I lose my created design in the t-shirt maker if I'm not logged in?
Can I integrate Vexels tools into my own website?
Are Vexels' Tools available for all subscribers?
Do downloads from the tools get discounted from my monthly downloads?
What is the Merch Digest?
T-Shirt Maker
How can I design my own t-shirt?
Are the AI-generated images from the T-shirt Maker copyright free?
Can I edit my design into a canvas board on the T-Shirt maker instead of a mockup?
Where can I find my T-Shirt Maker saved designs?
Are designs created on the T-Shirt maker supported by licenses?
What is the new AI Beta feature in Vexels' T-Shirt Maker?
Can I modify the AI-generated images from the T-shirt Maker?