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Information related to your account, user information, downloads and more
Where can I see my monthly download count?
You can check your monthly download count by going to your Profile! There you should be able to see how many downloads you have left, and the total number of downloads your plan has.
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I can't download any designs
Please, check that you hadn't used all your monthly downloads. If it's not your case, I suggest a few things that might make it work: Make sure you're using Google Chrome on a desktop computer. Make sure you're logged in with your account. If it still doesn't work, try deleting your browser's cache before downloading again (Ctrl+F5 on Windows, ⌘+Shift+R on Mac) If the problem continues, please contact us (support@vexels.com)
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Are my monthly downloads cumulative?
Downloads are not cumulative from one month to the next. On the 1st of every month, your download count will get reset to your monthly amount.
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Account Information
How can I delete my account?
In order to delete your account, please contact our support team (support@vexels.com) with the subject "Delete account". Don't forget to add your username and email address associated with your Vexels account.
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How can I change my password?
To change your password, you have to go to Account and there, below your username and your email address there should be a button that says "change password". Click there and type your new password
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How can I change the email address associated to my Vexels account?
To change your email address, please contact our support team (support@vexels.com) with the subject "Change Email Address". Don't forget to add your current email and the new one.
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Are Vexels' accounts transferable?
No, Vexels accounts can not be transferred or sold.
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How can I use my VA Seats?
If you have a plan that allows you to have VA Seats, create two free accounts and contact info@vexels.com with the subject "VA Seat" to send the information about them (email and user ID) and we'll give those accounts the same plan as yours!
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How can I change my username?
In order to change your username, please contact our support team (support@vexels.com) with the subject "Change Username". Don't forget to add your current username and the new one.
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Can I change my profile picture?
To change your profile picture, go to your Profile, then Account and click on your current profile picture
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Subscription Plan
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, you can; however, you can only keep using your winning designs if you purchase the individual license for them, or if you subscribe to a Lifetime plan.
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How can I see what my Subscription Plan includes?
All of the details for every Subscription Plan is on the Pricing page and in our Terms And Conditions page!
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I purchased a subscription and it isn't showing on my account. Why can that be?
First of all, be sure you don't have more than one account created on Vexels! If you do, you can check on all of them in case the subscription got associated to another one. Another thing you can do is check if the recurring payment is on (you can check this on Paypal directly or with your bank). Cancellations take place effective immediately, so if you turn off the recurring payment your account will be inactive. If neither of these is the case with you, get in contact with our Technical Su
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Can I upgrade my subscription?
Sure! If you want to change plans just click on “Upgrade” on the plan you want to get :) You can see our plans here. Once you have done so, just let us know and we'll check which refund applies to you.
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What are AI Credits?
AI Credits give you access to Vexels’ powerful tools, including AI image generation, graphic redesign, background removal, and the first AI Quote Generator for merch. Credits reset monthly, but extra credits purchased in your profile never expire, offering flexibility whenever inspiration strikes.
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